Add human insight to your data

If you have information and data — and you can’t use them — they might as well not exist. We find and solve the data barriers that block you from entering new markets because your systems don’t talk to one another, that cause your employees to spend far too much time looking for and recreating content, and that keep your business from operating efficiently.


Are you ready for the next big thing?

Do you want to crush the digital world? You need quality metadata to do it.

Bacon Tree creates metadata with something that is often missing — human insight.

There are a lot of tools that extract information, analyze text, and add metadata automatically. It sounds almost effortless. But if you’re getting results that are not specific to your line of work or that aren’t quite on point, you probably are spending a lot of time tuning things.

At Bacon Tree, we invest the time in your data and content to create metadata that provides context for data processing. This process is the fuel for digital transformation projects; provides materials for machine learning data sets; ferrets out the meaning of your content through text analytics; and is the basis for taxonomies, ontologies, and semantic models for classification and better search.

Content and data need context to truly be understood

We're word nerds and scientists. We love to pull things apart and understand them.

Words have meaning independently, but how you use them helps us understand their intent. That's also true of data.

For you, that means we dig into your content to understand what it means, not just what it says. We spend the time to find meaning and connections so you have what you need to be the best in your field.

What can we help with?